As part of the CSM-STAND Learning Agenda launch in 2022, civil society and media partners in Asia discuss what they have been learning about activist safety and wellbeing, research on varieties of civic space, and countering disinformation.
El libro está organizado en cuatro capítulos: narrativas, periodismo local, audiencias y sostenibilidad. Cada uno contiene consejos de reconocidos maestros y emprendedores de medios, casos de estudio, herramientas y entrevistas.
Este libro digital descargable de la Fundación Gabo es una macro-relatoría, un esfuerzo por sintetizar y difundir el conocimiento emanado de una serie de actividades-talleres, clases magistrales, charlas- que llevamos a cabo en el marco del Festival Gabo 2020, el cual...
From 2015-2016, IREX implemented a media literacy training program called Learn to Discern (L2D) that trained Ukrainian citizens to critically assess news media messages and identify misinformation. In 2017, IREX conducted a quasi-experimental impact evaluation in a...
Given the size and scope of the Russian propaganda campaign that targeted the U.S. electorate in 2016, it is critical to understand both the impact of that campaign and the mechanisms that can reduce the impact of future campaigns. This report, the third in a...