Organisational Performance Measurement

Organisational Performance Measurement

After engaging in or facilitating organisational capacity development activities are you left wondering “so what”? What are the outcomes of the capacity development activities and how do they lead to higher performing organisations that make impact in their...
Introduction to Finance

Introduction to Finance

This course is intended for civil society organisation (CSO) programme staff. It aims to enable CSO staff to correctly use standard financial procedures and ‘speak the same language’ as their colleagues working in finance. The course introduces learners to key...
Organisational Strategy Development

Organisational Strategy Development

What is strategy development and why does it matter? What does it take for an organisation to conduct a successful strategic planning process? How can your organisation better understand its past and present performance? How can you define your organisation’s mission,...
Intermediate Finance

Intermediate Finance

This course builds on the Introduction to Finance course, also available on The Learning Hub. The course is aimed at both civil society organisation (CSO) programme and finance staff. The course seeks to introduce learners to more advanced financial management...
Introduction to Finance

Введение в управление финансами

Данный курс предназначен для программных сотрудников организаций гражданского общества (ОГО). Его цель – дать ОГО возможность правильно использовать стандартные финансовые процедуры и «говорить на одном языке» со своими коллегами финансистами. Курс познакомит...
Introduction to Finance

Gestão financeira

Este curso é para técnicos de organizações da sociedade civil. Tem como objectivo ajudar a compreender procedimentos e termos financeiros de forma a puderem inter agir com a equipa financeira de uma forma mais eficaz. Este curso é introdutório aos procedimentos...
Facilitation Skills

Facilitation Skills

The Facilitation Skills course aims to provide future facilitators of blended learning courses with the skills needed to effectively deliver the face-to-face session of a blended learning course. The first part of the course introduces the concept and value of the...
Эффективные презентации

Эффективные презентации

Вы когда-нибудь выступали с презентацией о своей организации или проекте, но не получили того отзыва на который надеялись? Этот курс не только научит вас тому, как создавать эффективную презентацию, но и научит ее проводить. На этом курсе вы поймете, как определить...
Proposal Development – Global

Proposal Development – Global

This course on Proposal Development provides an in-depth look at how to develop a winning proposal in response to a solicitation from a major international donor such as USAID, DFID, or the EC. It explains how a civil society organisation (CSO) should determine...
Comunicação e colaboração com equipas distribuídas

Comunicação e colaboração com equipas distribuídas

Trabalha numa organização em que os seus colegas estão em localizações diferentes da sua? Sente que é difícil comunicar e colaborar em equipa quando não estão todos no mesmo espaço? Então este curso é para si. Neste curso vai aprender como marcar reuniões, criar...
Resource Mobilisation

Resource Mobilisation

Does your civil society organisation (CSO) have a structured approach to mobilising resources or does it do so in a reactive, haphazard way? This course introduces you to the importance of having a resource mobilisation plan and introduces you to various resource...
Communications Plan

Communications Plan

What is communication and why might your civil society organisation (CSO) need a communications plan? What are the components and purposes of such a plan? How might you identify your target audiences and develop key messages? What are channels of communication and how...
Facilitation Skills

Técnicas de facilitação

Gostaria de ser facilitador de um curso de blended learning AKF mas não tem muita experiencia em facilitar grupos? Se sim, este curso é para si! O curso de técnicas de facilitação tem como objectivo dotar com as competências necessárias os futuros facilitadores de...
Comunicação e colaboração com equipas distribuídas

Communicating and Collaborating with Dispersed Teams

In your work, do you often have to interact with colleagues, partners, or other stakeholders who are based in a different location, in a different country, or even in a different time zone? What are some tools you might use to work with them more effectively, both...
Campaign Management

Campaign Management

The Campaign Management course is designed for people working for civil society organisations (CSO) who are interested in developing and running fundraising campaigns for their organisation or for a particular cause. The course was developed for civil society...
Individual Fundraising

Individual Fundraising

What are some ways of raising funds from individuals? How can you attract and cultivate individual supporters? This course on Individual Fundraising introduces you to a wide range of activities you can use to raise money for your civil society organisation (CSO). It...
Эффективные презентации

Apresentações eficazes

Este curso é para técnicos de organizações da sociedade civil. Tem como objectivo ajudar a compreender procedimentos e termos financeiros de forma a puderem interagir com a equipa financeira de uma forma mais eficaz. Este curso é introdutório aos procedimentos...
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